This blog is my study note for CS4236 Cryptography, Chapter 8.
1. Prime Numbers
- a divides b (notation: a|b), if there exists an integer c s.t. b = ac
- For any 2 integers a and b, there exists 2 unique integers r and q such that:
- 0 ≤ r < q and
- a = qb + r.
- Note that: a mod b = r
- 2 integers a and b are relatively prime or co-prime if gcd(a,b)=1
- gcd(a,b): greatest common divisor of a and b
- (Congruence) Let a,b and n be integers (\(n \not = 0\)): if (a mod n) = (b mod n), then a ≡ b (mod n)
Suppose a ≡ x (mod n) and b ≡ y (mod n), then:
- (a+b) ≡ (x+y) (mod n)
- (a-b) ≡ (x-y) (mod n)
- (ab) ≡ (xy) (mod n)
- Caution: \(2^{a} \not \equiv 2^{x}\)(mod n)
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Purpose: to find the gcd d.
Input: 2 integers a and b
Output: d=gcd(a,b) and 2 integer s and t such that:
if b = 0:
d = a, s = 1, t = 0
set s2 = 1, s1 = 0, t2 = 0, t1 = 1
while b > 0:
set q = floor(a/b), r = a - q*b
s = s2 - q*s1, t = t2 -q*t1
set a = b, b = r,
s2 = s1, s1 = s, t2 = t1, t1 = t
set d = a, s = s2, t = t2
return (d,s,t)
If a and b are at most m-bit long, running time is O(\(m^{2}\))
If gcd(x,n) = 1, we can find s,t such that:
- xs+nt = 1
- That is, xs = 1 (mod n)
Mathematically, suppose b < |a|, to find gcd(a,b):
Step |
Equation |
Condition |
1 |
\(a=b\times q_{1}+r\) |
0 ≤ \(r_{1}\) < b |
2 |
\( b=r_{1}\times q_{2}+r_{2} \) |
0 ≤ \(r_{2}\) < \(r_{1}\) |
3 |
\(r_{1}=r_{2}\times q_{3}+r_{3} \) |
0 ≤ \(r_{3}\) < \(r_{2}\) |
… |
… |
… |
k |
\(r_{k−2}=r_{k−1}\times q_{k}+r_{k} \) |
0 ≤ \(r_{k}\) < \(r_{k−1}\) |
The process continues until we obtain in Step n, a remainder \(r_{n}\)= 0.
In that case, the last non-zero remainder \(r_{n-1}\)= gcd(a,b).
By applying backward substitutions, we can obtain integers s and t such that gcd(a,b) = as + bt
Example.Find gcd(33,93).
- 93 = 33×2 + 27 and r1= 27
- 33 = 27×1 + 6 and r2= 6
- 27 = 6×4 + 3 and r3= 3
- 6 = 3×2 and r4= 0
Therefore, gcd(33,93) = 3.
2. Arithmetic in the real field R
Infinite, every element (except zero) has a multiplicative inverse
- In the set R of real numbers, we have binary operation: R x R \(\rightarrow\) R, ‘x’ denotes an operator, not ‘times’
- Close under an operation: if a,b ∈ R, then a x b ∈ R
- 2 operators:
- +: addition, 0: additive identity
- •: multiplication, 1: multiplicative identity
- Inverse:
- additive inverse: for a ∈ R, b is its inverse iff a+b=0. b=-a
- multiplicative inverse: for a ∈ R \ {0}, b is its inverse iff a • b = 1. b = \(a^{-1}\)
- (R , + , • ) is an infinite field.
3. Arithmetic in the integer ring Z
Infinite. Only “1” and “-1” have multiplicative inverse
- Z is not a field
- Given int x, to determine whether its square root exists, and what is the squre root:
- Find the integer y s.t. \(y^{2}\) = y • y = x
- Given int x, g, to determine whether ∃ an integer y s.t. \(g^{y}\) = x
- The above 2 algorithems are efficient in the sense that:
- suppose x, g, y are m-bit integers
- the running time is polynomial w.r.t. m
4. Arithmetic in the Finite field \(Z_{p}\)
- \(Z_{p}\) = {0, 1, 2, …, p-1} where p is prime
For any _a,b ∈ \(Z{p}\):
- a + b = c where c = (a + b) mod p
- a • b = d where d = (a b) mod p
Any x ∈ \(Z_{p}\), except 0, has a multiplicative inverse,
5 Arithmetic in Modulo Composite (finite ring) \(Z_{n}^{*}\)
- x ∈ $Z_{n}$ has an multiplicative inverse iff gcd(x,n)=1
- $Z_{n}^{*}$ = {x: x has inverse}
Computation complexity: given m-bits x,y,r:
Operations |
Running Time |
Addition: x+y |
O(m) |
Multiplication: x•y |
O($m^{2}$), O(m log m) |
Inverse $x^{-1}$ |
O($m^{2}$) |
Exponentiation: $x^{r}$ |
O($m^{3}$), O($m^{2}$ log m) |
Multiplying 2 integers faster
- m-bits x,y
- compute x•y
- Inefficient method:
temp = 0
for i = 1 to x:
temp = temp + y
return temp
- Efficient method: Shift-and-Add
temp = 0
n = len(y)
for i in range(n):
temp = temp + x * y[n-1-i] * 10**(i)
# multiply x with the bits of y (from last to the first)
# each time shift left by 1 bit
6. More on \(Z_{p}\)
Fermat’s theorem:
$g^{p-1}$ ≡ 1 (mod p) for all $g \not = 0$ (mod p)
- e.g. $3^{4}$ mod 5 ≡ 1
- 2nd method to find multiplicative inverse
- $x^{-1}$ ≡ $x^{p-2}$ (mod p)
Some definitions:
- $Z_{p}^{*}$ = ${1, g, g^{2}, g^{3},…, g^{p-1}}$
- g: generator of $Z_{p}^{*}$
- This group generated by g can be denoted as
- e.g. 3 is a generator in $Z_{7}^{*}$
- <3> = ${1, 3, 3^{2},…, 3^{6}}$ = {1,3,2,6,4,5}⇒ $3^{-1}$ ≡ $3^{7-2}$ (mod 7) ⇒ $3^{6}$ (mod 7) ⇒ 5
- For any x ∈ $Z_{p}^{*}$, order(x) = smallest positive integer a
- s.t. $x^{a}$ ≡ 1 (mod p)
- e.g. order of 3 in $Z_{7}^{*}$ is 6
- For all x ∈ $Z_{p}^{*}$, ⇒ order(x) | (p-1)
Quadratic Residues in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$
\( \sqrt{x} \in Z_{p}^{\ast} \) is a number $y \in Z_{p}^{\ast}$ s.t.
- $y^{2} \equiv x$ (mod p)
- e.g. $\sqrt{2}$ mod 7 = 3.
An element $x \in Z_{p}^{\ast} $ is QR(quadratic residue) if its square root exits in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$
- Each x has either 0 or 2 square roots
- If y is a square root of x mod p, then so is -y
- Given x, determine whether x is QR is computationally easy
- The Lengendre Symbol of x is calculated as:
- $(\frac{x}{p}) = x^{\frac{p-1}{2}}$ (mod p)
- $(\frac{x}{p})$ =
- 1 if x is QR
- -1 if x is not a QR (when ls = p-1)
- 0 if x ≡ 0 (mod n)
- For a,b,
- $(\frac{ab}{p}) = (\frac{a}{p})(\frac{b}{p})$
- Easy fact: let g be a generator of $Z_{p}^{\ast}$
- Let x = $g^{r}$ for some integer r.
- Then x is a QR in Zp if and only if r is even
- ⇒ Exactlt half of the elemnets in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$ are QR
- Computing square roots in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$ is computationally feasible
- $O(n^{4})$ randomized algorithm exists
- Special cases of p: when p = 3 mod 4,
- $\sqrt{x}$ mod p = $x^{\frac{p+1}{4}}$ mod p
- Why? Let a = $\sqrt{x}$
- Then $a^{2} = x^{\frac{2(p+1)}{4}} = x^{\frac{p+2-1}{2}} =x\cdot x^{\frac{p-1}{2}} = x \cdot 1 = x$ mod p
7. More on \(Z_{n}\)
Euler’s totient function $\varphi(n)$:
Definition: For any integer $n>1$, $\varphi(n)$ = the no. of integers in $Z_{n}$ which are coprime to n.
- For a prime p, $\varphi(p) = p-1$
- if n = pq, and p,q are primes,
- $\varphi(n) = (p-1)(q-1)$
- e.g. n=15, $\varphi(15) = |{1,2,4,5,8,11,13,14}|=8$
Euler’s Theorem
$a^{\varphi(n)} = 1$ (mod n) for all $a \in Z_{n}^{\ast}$
- The above is a generalization of Fermat’s Theorem in $Z_{p}$
- Useful property:
- if x ≡ y (mod $\varphi(n)$), then $g^{x} \equiv g^{y}$ (mod n) for any g
Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
Relate $Z_{n}$ to $Z_{p}$ using the mapping n = pq where p,q are primes and $p \not = q$
- Then map $Z_{n} \rightarrow Z_{p}\times Z_{q}$
- for $x \in Z_{n}$, maps it to 2-tuple (x mod p, x mod q)
- e.g. n = 15, 7 → (7 mod 3, 7 mod 5) = (4,2)
- Supose x maps to $(x_{1},x_{2})$, y maps to $(y_{1},y_{2})$
- x+y → $(x_{1}+y_{1},x_{2}+y_{2})$
- x•y → $(x_{1}\cdot y_{1},x_{2}\cdot y_{2})$
- CRT states that: Let p,q be relatively prime and n=pq:
- Given $x_{1} \in Z_{p}, x_{2} \in Z_{q}$, there exists a unique element $x\in Z_{n}$ s.t
- $x_{1} = x$ mod p, $x_{2} = x$ mod q
- E.g. to compute $7^{6}$ mod 15:
- map $Z_{15} \rightarrow Z_{5}\times Z_{3}$: 7 → (2,1)
- Perform $(2^{6},1^{6})$ → (4,1)
- map $Z_{5}\times Z_{3} \rightarrow Z_{15}$: (4,1) ->4
Quadratic Residue
Suppose n = pq, where p,q are primes and $p \not = q$
- Jacobi Symbol is defined as:
- $(\frac{x}{n}) = (\frac{x}{p})(\frac{x}{q})$
- Jacobi symbol of x =
- 1, if gcd(x,n) = 1, x can be either a QR or non-QR
- -1, if gcd(x,n) = 1, x is not a QR
- 0, if gcd(x,n)>1, x is a multiple of p and/or q. x can be either a QR or non-QR
- we can’t tell whether x is a QR from jacobi symbol
- If gcd(x,n) = 1:
- if x is a QR mod n, then $\frac{a}{n} = 1$
8. Computational problems in $Z_{p}$ and $Z_{n}$
Easy Problems in $Z_{p}$
- Suppose p is a large prime number. (say 2048-bit)
- Generating a random element
- Add/Multiply elements
- Find Inverse, exponentiation
- Test whether an element is QR
- Compute square root mod p
- Solve polynomial equations of degree d (polynomial time in d)
- Given x,d,p, find y s.t. $x = y^{d}$ mod p
- Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem
- Let g be a generator of cyclic group G with ord(G) = q
- Given 3-tuples (x,y,z) ∈ G
- Distinguish whether it is generated by process A or B
- A: Randomly pick a,b,c from $Z_{q}$, outputs ($g^{a},g^{b},g^{c}$)
- B: Randomly pick a,b from $Z_{q}$, outputs ($g^{a},g^{b},g^{ab}$)
- The problem is easy in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$
- Solution: given (x,y,z), compute Jacobi symbol of x,y,z
- if (x,y,z) ∈ A, the Jacobi symbol of z does not depend on x’s and y’s
- if (x,y,z) ∈ B, the Jacobi symbol of z = x’s times y’s
- This problem may be hard if the group is the set of QR in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$
- All element has Jacobi symbol 1
Believed-to-be Hard Problems in $Z_{p}$
- Discrete log (DL) prolem:
- Let g be a generator of a cyclic group.
- Given x, find r s.t. $x = g^{r}$
- Computing Diffie-Hellman (CDh) problem:
- Let g be a generator of a cyclic group
- Given $g^{a},g^{b}$, find $g^{ab}$
For DL in $Z_{p}^{\ast}$ is computationally feasible
- DL can be easy if prime p is of the form $p=2^{m} -1$
- DL can be difficult if prime p is of the form $p = 2q+1$, q is another prime
Easy Problems in $Z_{n}$
Given a large composite number n (say 2048-bit), n = pq (2 large primes, 1024 bits)
- Generate a random element
- Add/Multiply elements
- Finding inverse, exponentiation
- Finding the Jacobi symbol
Believed-to-be Hard Problems in $Z_{n}$
If the factorization of n is unknown BUT becoming easy if the factorization of n is known
- Test whether an element is a QR
- Compute the jacobi symbol cannot solve this problem
- Compute square root of a QR
- As hard as factoring n
- Rabin Cryptosystems based on this hardness
- Compute $\varphi(n)$
- compute the e-th roots (mod n) when $gcd(e, \varphi(n)) = 1$
- RSA cryptocsystems based on this hardness
Hard Problems in $Z_{n}$
Even if factorization are known
- Discrete log (DL) problem
- Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem